Description: The story revolves around a village bumpkin Mohit (Arvind Swamy) with the heart of a child. He has grown up listening to his grandmother´s (Dina Pathak) fairy tales and has always imagined himself the protagonist, changing the endings of grandma´s stories if they are not happy endings. The Mohit saves the life of and falls in love with a city belle Manisha (A beautiful Manisha Koirala) who is visiting the countryside for a day of fun and games. Before he can confess her love for him, Manisha dashes back to the big bad city, after which Mohit follows her, with grandma´s blessings, and attempts to woo his lady love, with the help of his three cute nephews and nieces, who reside in the same city as Mohit ´s love interest. Thrown into the mix is a cute baby elephant (Appu), who plays a large role in uniting the lovers. Trouble strikes the couple when Manisha ´s status of Royalty is thrown in Mohit ´s face. Manisha is a princess with big, bad relatives, all itching to gain control of her throne. So the adventure begins, with Mohit and his elephant friend taking off to save the princess.
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