Fastforwarding to 2012, Kapoor is now a college student named Krish and Chopra, a college student named Radha. Krish breaks up with his girlfriend, Meera (Neha Sharma), and shortly after, bumps into Radha. The two drop their belongings, accidentally taking each others' phones when picking everything up. Radha believes Krish stole her phone and gets him arrested. When Radha realizes that she really does have Krish's phone, and moreover, that it is his birthday, she bails him out, and a friendship grows between the two. They spend the entire night traveling around the city, developing feelings for each other. Meera later wants to apologize to Krish for fighting but he says there is no point since they've broken up. When he reveals he spent the night with Radha, Meera assumes he slept with her and leaves in anger. Krish and Radha text everyday, getting to know each other. He goes to meet her and the two spend the day together, having fallen in love. When Meera learns that Krish went to meet Radha, she angrily uploads embarrassing pictures of him onto Facebook and the pictures go viral. Radha learns Krish spent the night with her on his birthday 2 hours after he broke up with Meera. Krish ignores Radha when she tries to talk to him about this, being too busy retaliating to Meera on Facebook. Frustrated, Radha leaves, breaking all contact with him.
The film rewinds into 1910, in Lahore during the times of the British Empire. Kapoor portrays Javed, a womanizing villager with a talent for reciting poetry, and Chopra plays Aradhana, a young woman living in the village. Javed flirts with two British women and visits their house but is forced to flee when guards are sent after him. He enters Aradhana's house, and she hides him, misleading the police. The two become accquainted with each other, though Aradhana seems unamused by Javed's wooing tricks.
When Aradhana sees Javed helping a female friend ride a bike, she realizes his flirty nature. However, Javed insists that she is special and decides to put all his attention on her, allowing the two to bond. Javed joins Aradhana's father in a protest for freedom against the British, but when the officers begin to physically abuse the protestors, Javed hides while Aradhana's father is hit. Seeing this, Aradhana gets angry and ignores him. To appease her, Javed attacks the same officers that had chased him before, and they beat and arrest him in front of Aradhana. She visits him in jail and tells him their love cannot happen but he tells her to wait. 3 months later, Javed is freed and goes to her house. Her father informs him that she got married a month ago, and that he should stay away from Aradhana. Aradhana tells Javed in tears that she only got married to make her father happy. Soon, it is the night of Javed's marriage, also for his father's happiness. Aradhana comes to the wedding to see him one last time. During the vows, Javed objects to the wedding and insists he wants to only marry Aradhana.
The movie then shows the actual ending of all 3 love stories: In 1960, once Govind leaves the film premiere, he packs up and boards a train, intending to leave. However, he is followed by Ruksar and the two reconcile. In 2012, Krish calls Meera and Radha to his college one last time, and tells Meera that they might have been in love, but it's over now. He then professes his true love for Radha, and the two reconcile. In 1910, Javed and Aradhana are finally together, vowing that their love will not only last this lifetime but for all the lifetimes to come, revealing the main purpose of the film.
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