While shooting for a film, Vishwas's mother comes to know that he is not an inspector. She faints and is admitted in the hospital, where the doctor tells him that she needs to be operated and the amount required is rupees ten lakh. He agrees to work for Gundappa (the boss of the goons Vishwas and Kajal caught) for money where he needs to bring a CD for them. While escaping after getting the CD he is caught by police and accidentally shoots two police officers. Since he became a murderer he was left with no other choice than to join Gundappa's gang. Meanwhile, Kajal, who is under the impression that Vishwas has gone bad, along with some men plans to save him from doing any crime. So they go to the gangs den purposely and tells the foolish Gundappa that she came to marry Vishwas. Hence, creating a confusion so that Gundappa leaves Vishwas. On the other hand, Joint Commissioner (who was also kidnapped) tells Savitri that Vishwas is actually not doing any crime rather is working for the police. Kajal knows this from Savitri later and goes to apologize to Vishwas for misunderstanding him. Not knowing that they are being watched on CCTV, she apologizes to Vishwas and leakes details of his plans. Somehow, Vishwas and his mates are able to flee. But his mother and Kajal are held by Napolean (the ultimate Don, boss of Gundappa). After fighting the goons, Vishwas hands over Napoleon (who is earlier revealed to be his own father) to the police and tells everyone that he will become a police officer as they are real life heroes. He did all the filmy actions as a fake police officer now he wanted to be a real police man and do his duty for his country and his mother's dreams finally fulfilled.
Phata Poster Nikla Hero - 2013
While shooting for a film, Vishwas's mother comes to know that he is not an inspector. She faints and is admitted in the hospital, where the doctor tells him that she needs to be operated and the amount required is rupees ten lakh. He agrees to work for Gundappa (the boss of the goons Vishwas and Kajal caught) for money where he needs to bring a CD for them. While escaping after getting the CD he is caught by police and accidentally shoots two police officers. Since he became a murderer he was left with no other choice than to join Gundappa's gang. Meanwhile, Kajal, who is under the impression that Vishwas has gone bad, along with some men plans to save him from doing any crime. So they go to the gangs den purposely and tells the foolish Gundappa that she came to marry Vishwas. Hence, creating a confusion so that Gundappa leaves Vishwas. On the other hand, Joint Commissioner (who was also kidnapped) tells Savitri that Vishwas is actually not doing any crime rather is working for the police. Kajal knows this from Savitri later and goes to apologize to Vishwas for misunderstanding him. Not knowing that they are being watched on CCTV, she apologizes to Vishwas and leakes details of his plans. Somehow, Vishwas and his mates are able to flee. But his mother and Kajal are held by Napolean (the ultimate Don, boss of Gundappa). After fighting the goons, Vishwas hands over Napoleon (who is earlier revealed to be his own father) to the police and tells everyone that he will become a police officer as they are real life heroes. He did all the filmy actions as a fake police officer now he wanted to be a real police man and do his duty for his country and his mother's dreams finally fulfilled.
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